Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pray for Jhonata

Jhonata is my 16 year old neighbor and was recently in a bad motorcycle accident. They had to put a titanium rod in his right thigh. I went to see him in the hospital and his attitude was one of anger and pride. He was not thankful for another opportunity in life. He was not thankful for anything his parents would do for him. His response was disheartening in light of a life threatening accident. Since then I have prayed about ways I could reach him, for fears that he might be strongly opposed to anything God or Bible. Yesterday, upon my request, he came over for a Bible Study. We read the story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5. I showed Jhonata that Christ loves us even though he shouldn't because of our sin - the same way the servant girl loved Naaman, a prideful captain, even though she didn't have a reason to. That Christ died to substitute sinners, absorb God's wrath, and forgive us from the penalty of our sin. That in the same way that it was required of Naaman to humble himself and trust in Elijah's word, we must humble ourselves, repent of sin, and believe in the payment Christ made for sin on the cross. Jhonata listened, interacted, and suggested we have more talks like this. Let's pray for his salvation! His younger brother comes to our services on Sundays and is thoroughly enjoying it as well - his name is Vitor. Vitor said to his mom the other day that he doesn't want to go to Catechism anymore because he doesn't understand anything, but that at our church it makes sense - go figure!

God be glorified for this opportunity.


James and Christen said...

That's so cool, man! Your zeal is contagious. We will be praying. Great choice on telling a proud man about another proud man in the Bible.

Rachel said...

Thanks so much for sharing!! I am praising the Lord that you had the opportunity to share a story from God's Word with him and that he was open. I WILL be praying. Glad God gave you the words and boldness to speak to him.

Rena said...

I tried commenting here a couple days ago but it wouldn't work so I'm trying again...
Praying for Jhonatas-and for you as you seek to reach these precious ones that He has brought into your path.