Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kids Month Wrap-Up Update

25 Kids showed up - looks like a trampoline is the key to get kids here.

Christ was proclaimed and the kids were attentive. I'm not sure of conversions - only time can tell. Two incredible truths were made clear though - 1. we are undeserving sinners, 2. Christ died to be a substitute for sinners! I'm so glad more kids in this neighborhood are now aware of that. May they come back and bring their families.

Ok - so here's the final product. I admit that I photoshoped a bit before I took the picture - but you can get the idea. Got some work to do - but I will definitely use this tool again. Thanks Dad Nunley for giving me the paints, a board, and the confidence to do this. May God get all the glory!


Rena said...

Thanking the Lord for His blessings on your last Sat children's club! Congratulations on the great painting, it's really good, David.

Rachel said...

You can come present this in my classroom now! =) How neat! Glad it went well and the gospel was given out to these children. Praise the Lord!!! Thanks for the update.

Anonymous said...

Very cool painting!! Great attention grabber.