Thursday, January 26, 2012

God of Wonders: 2012 Kids' Club

In my last post, I mentioned that we had had a special prayer time at church for our upcoming kids' club and asked that you all join with us in prayer.  The first day of club, the rain came pouring down and the weather forecast was for pretty much nonstop rain the next several days.  We were somewhat discouraged and came up with a backup plan to have the club that day and see whether any kids came.  If none did, we would postpone the club until the following week.  But God was testing our faith, I guess, and He graciously brought out almost 30 kids that day even though it was still raining and the next days were beautiful and sunny.  There were 50 kids total who came to at least one day of the club and follow-up visits are already being made to their homes.  

We rented a trampoline for a couple of days and it was a big hit ...

Lots of fun games ...

Reciting the memory verse

Song time

Story time ... Our theme was God of Wonders and we taught about creation, the fall, and the Savior

The puppets helped emphasize the main point of the story

Snack time

Being silly

We have much to thank God for:

* answering specific prayers regarding the weather
* bringing out a good number of children
* our neighbor who graciously offered to watch Gabriel and Juliana so that I could be freed up
* two teenagers whose family has recently joined our church.  They were a huge blessing to us, helping to give out invitations, get the decorations set up, help with game time, music and puppets
* a lady at our church who made yummy snacks for the kids
* a 12-year-old girl who has come back for services and brought along a cousin of hers
* supporters who give generously to us so that we are able to host these kinds of events
* people who lift us up in prayer; God hears and answers
* the opportunity and privilege to share the gospel with children who have never heard before and hopefully have an impact in their lives that will last forever


Anonymous said...

Wonderful!! Praise the Lord for all the children who heard the gospel. Very encouraging!!

CastleQueen said...

How wonderful that so many heard the gospel story at your kids' club! So glad it went well and for your helpers too.

- Vicki Reiner

Gretchen said...

So glad to hear it went so well! I'm super impressed with your huge backdrop with all the colors (in the pic where David is speaking/singing). WOW! Where did you get/make that? And the balloons around the pole look majorly impressive!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You guys went all out! It looks so fun there! ;) So good to hear about how well it went.
Love you guys,