We have been blessed with the arrival of three new families in our church. They are believers and are already jumping in and helping where they can -- music, cleaning the church, taking care of the nursery, and this week the men are going to help David clear off the empty lot beside the church building so that it can be used. It has been so encouraging to see them embracing our little group of new believers as their brothers and sisters in Christ, even though they didn't know them until about a month ago. The body of Christ is awesome.
On Saturdays, David goes out and does some door-to-door witnessing. Usually he goes alone, but this week he had someone unexpected join him. They came to one house and clapped (the Brazilian version of ringing the doorbell), and then they clearly heard the lady of the house yell to her daughter, "I don't want to speak to evangelicals!" David was ready to walk on, but Roberto, who was with him, suggested he wait a minute. When the woman saw Roberto, her expression changed as she recognized him as the photographer who had recently taken some family pictures of them. She invited him and David in, and listened while David presented the gospel to her. She said that she plans on taking her two teenage children to visit our church sometime, so please pray that she does.
Thank you letters were given to the parents of the kids who came to our club a couple of weeks ago, and in the letter was the address for the church website. One girl, who has been coming to our services since the club, left a comment on the website saying that she loved our church and that her life is already being changed and that she wants to accept God. Please pray for Duda, that she will understand the gospel, place her faith in Christ, and be transformed by God.
I was recently giving a gospel presentation using the worldless book bracelets to my Wednesday night children's class. Larissa, a little girl who has been coming with her family for almost 2 years now, asked me how does someone place their faith in Christ. She and I talked after class about it, and after our conversation, she said that she would like to place her faith in Christ and prayed, asking God to forgive her of her sins and asking for His help to trust in Him.
Larissa, on the right
We are so glad to have James and Christen and their kids back with us. We've had a lot of good conversations, but there's a lot to catch up on after 8 months apart. Their arrival here deserves its own post, so I will blog about that later this week.
Cousins Juliana and Hannah getting reacquainted
Super catch up! Aw! Getting ready for furlough is a challenging task! I will be praying with you. Won't it be fun to visit your loved ones again?!
Encouraging report! I'm so glad for those new families that are helping out.
Praise the Lord for your faithfulness! You guys are such an encouragement to me! Know you are continually in our prayers.
How cool that Roberto showed up and that God used him to open the door for David to witness. Great story!
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