Kelly shows evidence of grace in another way. She has begun to contribute a lot like the Corinthian church. She brought some clothes and the believers were all able to benefit from them. So she brought more along with a waterjug the church was needing. On top of that she had a ceiling fan that was not being used and thought the church could benefit from it. You should see the joy in her face as she contributes.
Several have offered their help to clean the church weekly, including Anderson who went to another man that has been attending and asked him if he would help him clean the church this week. Two men cleaning the church - can you believe that?

Last night, a 72 year old lady came uninvited. She has been looking for a baptist church close by and really enjoyed the service. She told me after the service that she will now be attending our church saying that she was affected by the message. "I actually understood the message because it was well explained and very clear". May God be glorified.
My greatest joy last night was to see the power of the gospel. The message centered around: "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink." (Jn. 7:37) Adriano and Gislene were affected and commented on the message with me. May God awaken thirst within them and may they be saved. Lord willing there is a personal Bible study in the making there.

There were more evidences of grace - these are just a few. Glory to God.
That is SO exciting to hear about these changed lives, visitors and progress in the work there! That's the kind of stuff that gives new energy to keep on. Praying for you, every day.
I have to say that I'm very proud of my brother and his wife. I realize it is by God's grace, but it's so exciting. Exciting enough, to make me want to come back as soon as I can. It makes me almost cry to see powerful effects of the gospel there and such weak churches and preaching here. But God is still working here as well, He is still the Sovereign One!
May many come to repentance and faith in the Savior!! May many more come and hear!!
Very, very cool post!! --Jonna
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