Tuesday, February 15, 2011

It's Been a While

I read recently that if a blog is not updated frequently, it's like a plant that isn't watered enough -- it will wither up and die. I'll start a blog update, and then get distracted (I have 2 small children, after all),

get interrupted, the internet goes down, the pictures won't load, or any number of other things that keep me from finishing and posting the update. So this post is just to bring you up to speed on our current events.

Today will be the third Bible study that Christen and I are having with our small group of women. We gave each woman a copy of the book "Feminine Appeal" based on the virtues of a godly woman found in Titus 2. It was great to discover this book translated into Portuguese. Our goals with this study include teaching and encouraging the women to be reading their Bibles daily for their personal growth, to learn how to pray on their own, to promote fellowship between them, and to begin the practice of memorizing Scripture. This might seem overwhelming, but we are taking small baby steps with them and the response from them has been extremely positive.

Last Saturday night, we had an informal service at James and Christen's house. We would like to start having these meetings at our church people's houses to encourage them to invite their unsaved family and neighbors to attend. I know James and Christen invited many of their neighbors, but none came. However, most of our own group of believers came, which was encouraging since for several weeks now, our attendance on Sundays has been very low, and one woman also brought her unsaved sister-in-law. It was a great opportunity for all of us to be together to worship God with singing and to be reminded through James' short devotional that we were once God's enemies and yet He loved us enough to send His Son to die for us. Two of the women expressed interest in having a meeting like that at their houses, perhaps next month.

Yesterday, David, my dad and a seminary student (Adriano) left on a trip to Argentina.

I guess you could say it's kind of a survey trip, but mostly an evangelistic trip. They took lots of tracts (in Portuguese and Spanish) and wordless book keychains and bracelets to give out. I'm excited to hear about their adventures. Please be praying for them, that God will give them safety as they travel long distances, that God will keep them healthy, and mostly that God will provide many witnessing opportunities for them and that people will be saved. I'll make sure to ask David to post a blog about his trip next week after he gets back.


Vicki said...

great to hear what you all are doing these days!

Gretchen said...

Good to hear from you! :)

Anonymous said...

Nice summary of things. Good job "watering" your blog. ;)