Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Light in Darkness

I am deeply excited about an opportunity God has granted. Our local video store rents out all sorts of books as well as movies. In talking with the owner, Tiago agreed to make available some books of my choice - gospel centered books! I stopped by last night with these three to begin with. "The Passion of Jesus Christ" and "Don't Waste Your Life" by John Piper. "The Gospel According to Jesus" by John MacArthur. Tiago cleared out a section of his frequently read books and placed mine right on the middle shelf! I cannot tell you how much this means, especially in a community like ours! We can scarcely find these books in Christian bookstores here - much less in a video store. Tiago says that his books go out more frequently than his movies and that he is sure people will read them. Please pray that this will happen and that many would repent and believe in Christ for the forgiveness of sins. I have included my name and address inside the book cover for assistance in understanding any ideas in the books. I will keep you posted as to the repercussions of this evangelistic method. May God be glorified!


Leah Robbins said...

So awesome that you all are able to do this!

James and Christen said...

I am excited for you, bro. Just was reading how God uses various means to save people. I'm anxious to see how He uses this great opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Interesting pictures of the books in a video store. Looking forward to hearing about what the results are.