Thursday, February 11, 2010

Outreach Efforts

The past two weekends we've tried a couple of different outreach efforts here in our neighborhood to try to create more contacts and to get to know people by meeting a specific need. The first event was soccer. Now, you may not think that providing an hour of soccer for 15 teens and men counts as meeting a need, but some might beg to differ. :) David used this opportunity to clearly share the gospel with these men and he and James will be following up with them in the near future.

Taking a few minutes before playing to share the gospel.

Our second event was more of a compassion outreach where we provided basic food packages for 10 needy families. Here in Brazil, most big grocery stores carry pre-made food packages that include the basics -- bags of rice, beans, flour, sugar, coffee, and several other items. We went out the day before to hand out coupons for these food packages. There was a catch though. While the person could receive the food for free, they had to agree to come at a scheduled time the next day to pick it up and be willing to listen to a gospel presentation. There were 11 people who came and they all listened well while David talked to them about their greatest need -- forgiveness of their sins and the eternal salvation of their souls.

Sharing the gospel message before handing out the bags of food.

A couple of people who received coupons were unable to come pick them up, so David dropped the food off at their houses and presented the gospel to them in their own homes. At one house, 15 people gathered around while he presented the gospel to them. They were attentive, even asking questions, and all of them said they had never heard the message that David was sharing with them. They can't seem to grasp the fact that salvation is free.

Helping themselves to the bags of food

Pray for us as we try different means in reaching the people in our neighborhood with the gospel. Pray that God will save people here and that we will be faithful in proclaiming the gospel whenever we have opportunity.

Walking home with their food -- pray that we will have good follow-up opportunities with the ones who came and be able to do more in-depth Bible studies with them.


Rena said...

So glad it went well! Would love to have seen it, maybe some other time, huh? :)

Anonymous said...

Um missionário realizando uma missão num lugar muito difícil estava prestes a desistir do seu chamado quando teve um sonho. No sonho Deus dizia apenas uma coisa a ele: "Você quer alcançar estas pessoas, comece amando-as". Eu iria dizer que a idéia de voces foi muito boa, que a estratégia foi excelente, mas não se trata disso: amar verdadeiramente as pessoas é a própria essencia do evangelho. O resto é consequencia. Não percam esse foco.


Marcelo Fonsêca said...

o que eu tenho a dizer não é apenas uma palavra de incentivo mas de ação. Nas minhas orações sempre faço menções de vós e do vosso ministério. O principal alimento, vocês estão oferecendo que é: A palavra de Deus e o conhecimento do nosso Senhor e Salvador jesus Cristo.
Deus é conhecedor dos nossos corações.
Deus vos abençoe. Amamos vocês.