Meanwhile, the Lord blessed in wonderful ways. On Saturday my focus was true conversion and the righteousness of Christ. On Sunday we jumped into the life of Peter to see how conversion and Christ's righteousness became evident in his life. Monday morning, we opened up for a time of questions and answers. Myself along with 2 other pastors answered all sorts of questions the teens had. Here are some of the questions they asked:
1. If a Christian commits suicide, does he loose his salvation?
2. Did God purposely harden Pharoah's heart, so as to keep Israel from being freed?
3. How can the Bible help our understanding with ethical issues such as stem cell research, euthanasia, and the death penalty?
4. If someone commits a sin, and repents, but unfortunately commits the same sin after repeatedly confessing, could this person still not be saved?
5. How should we respond to God's love toward us, who placed our sins on Christ shoulders, considering us justified before Him?
I was pleased to hear these good questions. It is a reminder that we must never assume that a group of "Christian" kids has come to understand or appreciate the fullness of God's Word. I believe many there were affected by the Biblical answers and God was truly honored in this.
On Monday evening there was a bonfire and several shared of what God had been doing. I chose to impersonate Peter's denial and wrap up with a couple challenging thoughts on how we deny the Lord daily with our actions. On Tuesday, I closed with John 21 where the Lord Jesus challenges Peter in three areas: love, sacrifice, and discipleship.
Pray for these youth as they go back into the real world to live out their faith.