Monday, March 3, 2008

Answers to Prayer


James and Christen said...

We are so excited!!!

The waiting is often so difficult and we rejoice with you that so much has come together.

Thanks for all the fun pictures!

P.S. Sharon, I need to hear what you said the other day about deciding how much of "America" I am going to try to hold on to and what I can live with here. It have thought so much on that this past week. Thanks :)

James and Christen said...

Hey bro.

I'm so excited for you guys. I remember the feeling. Please don't send Gabriel that way, ok. Also, are those shoes you're wearing the Asics GT-2110? Those are my favorite running shoes. So comfortable. I now have some New Balance, which I like, but my next pair of running shoes will be those asics again. Praying for you daily(it's true).


Marcelo Fonsêca said...

Pastor David,
A igreja Batista Regular em Valentina, tem recebido muito bem as notícias dadas pelo Pastor Jonathan a respeito da sua vinda ao Brazil, especial a cidade de João Pessoa.Estamos ansiosos para conhecê-los.
Que a graça e a paz do Nosso Senhor e Salvador Jesus Cristo , esteja sobre vós.
Em Cristo,
Ir. Marcelo