Lots of fun things for the kids to do ...
Fun playground underneath a huge grove of bamboo
Lunch preparations
Mmmm ... churrasco!
Time to eat!
Gathering together to sing and have a devotional from the book of Psalms
The gang (except for James who is taking the picture)
Our littlest member. His parents professed faith in Christ shortly before his birth. How neat to think that this little guy was born into a Christian home and can grow up learning about Jesus.

This couple represents a couple of answers to prayer. The first one is that she professed faith in Christ several months ago, and then chose to leave our group to start attending a large church nearby that preaches the prosperity gospel. Even though we warned her about the doctrinal errors of this church, she joined them anyway. We cried tears over her and sent up many prayers for her. Just last week, she came back, saying she saw things at this church that she didn't agree with and that she will be rejoining us. The second answer to prayer is that her husband came along on this outing. This is the first time he has attended any of our church programs or events, and we pray that God will soften his heart so that he will join his wife in the Christian faith.
This couple represents a couple of answers to prayer. The first one is that she professed faith in Christ several months ago, and then chose to leave our group to start attending a large church nearby that preaches the prosperity gospel. Even though we warned her about the doctrinal errors of this church, she joined them anyway. We cried tears over her and sent up many prayers for her. Just last week, she came back, saying she saw things at this church that she didn't agree with and that she will be rejoining us. The second answer to prayer is that her husband came along on this outing. This is the first time he has attended any of our church programs or events, and we pray that God will soften his heart so that he will join his wife in the Christian faith.