We have settled down and our ministry is taking shape. The bulk of our time is spent in connection with the church we are assisting - Valentina Baptist Church. Tuesday evenings is evangelism and Wednesday evenings is prayer meeting. On Thursdays Sharon and I have tried to make visits to get to know the members and be of encouragement. On Saturday afternoon the men play soccer, and then Saturday evenings the men, women, and teens each have their own meeting. Of course there is Sunday's regular events and services.
I have an increased awareness of Communion as I have performed it twice now. Performing vs. participating has a humbling effect. Watching Dad perform it as I grew up was one thing. Stepping in as the leader in a congregation brings a great weight of responsibility! To realize that as a shepherd I am directly under the "Chief Shepherd" (I Peter 5:4) attempting to carry out His will for His church through this ordinance is no light task. Each communion my mind goes back to Christ and his disciples and I wonder why He would allow me to perform such a glorious reflection on the most incredible act of love ever! As a child, it seemed like Dad was always so joyful after communion. I understand now as this is the only possible response to such an event "as often as ye do this in remembrance of me".
Camp season is coming up and we are excited to help out there. We will host a teen camp, and a children's camp in July. A church out of Michigan will bring their youth group and the pastor will speak. The theme is "Rules for Life" based on the Ten Commandments. May the Lord use this camp to edify His church and bring souls to a saving knowledge of Himself!